

Mentawai / Spiritual ceremony

The Mentawai spiritual ceremony is family matter. There are different reasons to hold a spiritual ceremony, sickness, funeral, etc... In agreement with the shaman the right day and moment has to figure out. The ceremony I had the chance to be involved in lasted for two full days. The large family was assembled during that time. Some have been coming from far away villages. Spiritual moment, dancing, food all is involved all the time. I just remember that the two shamans did not eat or drink during the all length of the ceremony. For our western way of thinking the spiritual ceremony is not too easy to follow because we miss the necessary believe in the spirit that is in some way connected with animism. Before killing the animals they thank the animal spirit for the food it will provide. At the end of the ceremony all family members are blessed by the shaman. Food is shared equally between the all family members.
Full spiritual ceremony remind a important part of live for the older generation the young one influenced by the modern world does not understand for sure all aspect of the ceremony. It is not uncommon for ceremony to be held in the jungle but in settlement it is now rare to see it. Now a day it is a privilege for westerners to experience a full traditional spiritual ceremony. Mentawais keep alive traditional dancing for tourist show but it is very different to the dancing during spiritual ceremony.

Photo gallery

Expel the burden spirit

Food offering benediction

Trance séance

Siberut - Jungle - Spiritual ceremony - Wedding